This is the story of three heroes. Rudy is a young man from a quiet village who possesses the secret of ARMS, a forbidden technology. He is expelled from his home for using this power to defeat a monster. Jack is a careless treasure hunter who roams caves and ruins with his trusty friend, the blue rodent Hanpan. Cecilia is a young princess who was sent to a magician school to study the lore of magic. She has the ability to communicate with ancient powerful beings called the Guardians. The three heroes meet each other and embark on a journey to save the world of Filgaia from a grave danger.
Genre: | RPG |
Release Month: | 11 |
Release Year: | 2005 |
Developer: | Media.Vision Entertainment Inc |
Publisher: | Agetec, Inc |
Serial: | SLUS-20937 |
Size: | 0 |
CRC32: | 0 |